General Nonprofit and Development Coaching
FurtherFund offers a unique partnership advisement service that is affordably priced based on your annual budget
Created to fill the need of organizations that don't have the resources to hire another nonprofit or development professional
Also for organizations who simply want another experienced professional to strategize with while forgoing the need to hire someone full-time
Designed to help guide you throughout your fiscal year
Strategic Planning
Aid in the writing and/or editing of a strategic plan
Annualize your multi-year, long range plan
Securing input from diverse stakeholders through focus groups, key informant interviews, and surveys
Creating an implementation plan for your strategic vision
Board development, training, and succession planning
Fundraising Consulting and Management
Overall fund development
Campaign, major giving, and annual fund planning
Creation, direction, support, management, revamping (when necessary) and guidance with an overall eye towards surpassing your goal, while broadening your donor base
Charting and reporting gifts, as well as pledge remittance consulting
Volunteer recruitment and engagement consulting
Training strategies on fundraising for Board Members and other volunteers
Feasibility planning, including studies, assessments, and goal setting
Gift acceptance and recognition policy guidance
Training on creating, maintaining, and manipulating data in donor databases
Executive Director coaching and training
Recruitment Search
Executive Director search and recruitment consulting
All other staff search and recruitment consulting
Board recruitment planning and execution
On-call, interim development staffing
Staffing solutions for all of your needs
Grant research, consulting, and writing
Grant administration and budgeting consulting
Assist in grant implementation, ensuring compliance requirements are met, and aiding in the development of reporting measures and documentation
Build a roadmap to help track projects, capital and program, to assure sufficient funding is received in a timely manner